Friday, September 21, 2012

Religious restrictions index: how do countries compare?

The Guardian DataBlog published yesterday an interesting article exploring graphically the religious intolerance across the world. The data are coming from a report published by Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life. I like the philosophy DataBlog a lot, providing the raw data for everyone to look at.
However, I felt that the visualization could be improved. First the data are longitudinal and no temporal representation is provided. So I downloaded the Google Spreadsheet and worked it in R with googleVis. googleVis is the R API to the Google graphic library.
The data are composed of two data type:

  • The Government Restriction Index (GSI) [measures government laws, policies and actions that restrict religious beliefs or practices]
  • The Social Hostilities Index (SHI) [measures acts of religious hostility by private individuals,organizations and social groups]

The R code is the following:
# I downloaded the Excel file, cleaned the headers and worked a bit
# the column title.
da <- read.xlsx("~/Downloads/religion.xlsx", sheetName=1)
rownames(da) <- da$COUNTRY.
da <- da[,-1]
religion <- data.frame(country=rep(rownames(da), 3),
year=c(rep(2007, dim(da)[1]), rep(2009, dim(da)[1]), rep(2010, dim(da)[1])),
GRI=c(da$GRI_2007, da$GRI_2009, da$GRI_2010),
SHI=c(da$SHI_2007, da$SHI_2009, da$SHI_2010)
M <- gvisMotionChart(religion, idvar="country", timevar="year")

I like it better to explore those data. Select a country of interest and follow it.