Sunday, February 24, 2013

Large correlation in parallel

A little improvement to the bigcor function proposed on Rmazing to compute huge correlation matrix in R, I made the function work in parallel using all the CPU cores available on the machine. The code is here.

Here is a benchmark of the 2 functions on my machine with 8 cores:

R <- c(2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000)
## I hit the limit at ~50000 the ff function refuse to create the matrix.
# Error in if (length < 0 || length > .Machine$integer.max) stop("length must be between 1 and .Machine$integer.max") :
# missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
normal <- numeric(length=length(R))
for(i in 1:length(R)){
split <- ifelse(R[i]<=20000, 10, 20)
MAT <- matrix(rnorm(R[i] * 10), nrow = 10)
normal[i] <- system.time(res <- bigcor(MAT, nblocks = split, verbose=FALSE))[3]
parallel <- numeric(length=length(R))
for(i in 1:length(R)){
split <- ifelse(R[i]<=20000, 10, 20)
MAT <- matrix(rnorm(R[i] * 10), nrow = 10)
parallel[i] <- system.time(res <- bigcorPar(MAT, nblocks = split, verbose=FALSE))[3]
d <- data.frame(time=c(normal, parallel), type=rep(c("normal", "parallel"), each=length(R)), size=rep(R, 2))
pdf("bigcor_benchmark.pdf", height=7, width=7)
qplot(size, time, data=d, group=type, colour=type, geom=c("point","path"),
xlab="Matrix size", ylab="Time in sec.",
main="Speed comparison bigcor / bigcorPar")
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